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Can People with Autism Help Create Next-Generation

Can People with Autism Help Create Next-Generation AI?

Can People with Autism Help Create Next-Generation
Autismo Carreira News UniTEA 30.06.2019


Bryan Dai had personal reasons for founding his firm, Daivergent, in 2017. Dai has a 19-year-old brother on the autism spectrum with an aptitude for computers, so his New York City-based company pairs employers with high-aptitude, autistic workers.

“As a data scientist myself, I recognized the need to bridge this type of talent in the autism community with those who are building tech products for our next generation,” he says.

The unemployment/underemployment rate for the adult autistic population stands at an estimated 90 percent, reports the advocacy group Autism Speaks. To combat this alarming statistic, Daivergent’s online remote workforce platform targets candidates on the spectrum with an ability to focus on very precise, repetitive tasks.

To date, the Daivergent platform boasts a remote user base of 850 candidates and 18 corporate clients. Online training courses in programming languages (such as PYTHON and SQL) graphic design, 3-D modeling and marketing are also offered to bolster opportunities for career growth.


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